
The Monongahela National Forest (MNF) in West Virginia – one of the most biologically diverse national forests in the U.S. – happens to be along the pathway of the WB Xpress (WBX) natural gas pipeline, 哪一个是最近投入使用的.
将近四年, 威尼斯电玩城手游公司与各种MNF资源专家密切合作, 包括土壤科学家, 野生动物学家, 水文学家, 水生生物学家和植物学家期间的规划, 项目的许可和施工阶段.
“The TransCanada team really made an effort to work with us on the WB XPress project. 他们设定了高标准, and went out of their way to ensure that all forest resources were protected. 这个团队信守了他们的诺言, 跟进他们的承诺, and could be relied on to do what they said they were going to do. They also talked with us throughout the project and were very transparent about their actions. The company should be proud of the quality of work performed by this team.”