Sep 27, 2024
Working with Indigenous groups
Canada's largest Indigenous equity agreement
Discover more in the news releaseFor more than 40 years, TC Energy has been engaging with Indigenous groups. We recognize Indigenous groups as rightsholders who have a distinct relationship to the land. We understand that our business activities have the potential to affect these groups in tangible ways.
Our approach to Indigenous Relations
威尼斯电玩城手游的土著关系团队尽早并经常与可能受到影响的土著群体接触,以了解他们的利益, identify opportunities, respond to their concerns and facilitate participation on our projects. We identify and create opportunities that support these groups through education and training, community legacy, scholarships and engagement with Indigenous contractors and businesses. By working together and ensuring open communication with Indigenous groups, we strive to earn their respect and trust to establish and grow positive long-term relationships.
Our Indigenous Relations policy, strategy and guiding principles inform our work with Indigenous groups. Learn more below.
Commitment made in 1970s to Indigenous engagement while planning pipeline projects in northern Canada
First formal Native Employment and Business Opportunities Policy adopted in 1982
Indigenous awareness training sessions offered to employees and contractors since 2001
Our guiding principles
The following principles guide our engagement activities with Indigenous groups:
- Recognizing the unique connection Indigenous Peoples have with the land and their community governance.
- Ensuring meaningful and respectful engagement with Indigenous groups, as early as possible, using a principled approach.
- Achieving regulatory certainty using a pragmatic approach in the jurisdiction where we are building or operating.
- Building innovative project strategies, reflecting engagement and regulatory outcomes that are defensible, commercially reasonable and community led.
TC Energy strives to be a leader in the delivery of energy in a safe, responsible and sustainable manner, ensuring we are positioned to maximize long-term value creation.
For investor-related information:
Our strategy
Engaging Indigenous groups
TC Energy believes mutual success is anchored in relationships based on trust and respect. It’s what we do every day. We demonstrate trustworthiness through our actions.
People and contracting
Deepening our understanding
Providing employees and contractors with a deeper understanding of the history, cultures and traditions of Indigenous peoples is essential for successful engagement with Indigenous groups.
We offer a multi-tiered approach to our Indigenous Awareness Training Program. In 2020, we began developing new mandatory annual company-wide training that focuses on educating all employees, 承包商和董事会成员就北美土著人民的历史和文化进行交流, with training to be rolled out in 2021.
Since 2001, 威尼斯电玩城手游已经并将继续为所有感兴趣的员工和承包商提供额外的培训模块. The training includes region-specific histories, cultural practices and hands-on experiences such as smudges and sharing circles led by Elders, as well as online and in-person workshops on our policies and engagement expectations.
Related documents
What is the difference between engagement and consultation with Indigenous peoples?
In Canada, the duty to consult always rests with the Crown, and is driven by the fiduciary obligations of the Crown to Indigenous peoples under treaty and law. 每当国王作出可能对土著居民和条约权利的行使产生不利影响的决定时,就会产生这项义务, as protected under s.35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.
The Crown can delegate procedural aspects to an Industry proponent to assist in fulfilling its duty, as proponents are often in the best position to address Indigenous groups’ concerns related to projects. 威尼斯电玩城手游公司与土著群体的接触旨在通过交换信息和解决项目相关问题和关切,与土著群体建立关系,并可以包括委托程序方面.
In the U.S. and Mexico, the government has not delegated procedural aspects of consultation to project proponents. In the U.S the federal government handles all aspects of consultation, including determining which groups it will consult, defining consultation guidelines, and reaching agreements with them when required. 项目支持者可以补充政府或管理机构与土著群体的咨询活动, but accountability for consultation remains with the government. In Mexico, 与土著群体协商是联邦政府的责任,由Secretaría de Energía (SENER)领导。.
How does TC Energy identify potentially impacted Indigenous peoples for engagement on new projects? Do instances arise where the impacts identified are recognized in international law but not in domestic law?
TC Energy identifies Indigenous groups through a combination of desktop research, regulators’ guidance and the company’s own operating experience – including past projects in the region, existing agreements with Indigenous groups, and an established network of contacts with Indigenous groups in the project area.
TC Energy also considers the project’s proximity to:
- Tribal reservations and ancestral lands in the U.S
- First Nation reserves, Indigenous settlements and communities and asserted traditional territory of Indigenous Peoples in Canada and
- Indigenous settlements and communities in Mexico.
In addition, 威尼斯电玩城手游与任何自认为是潜在受影响方的土著群体接触,以了解他们的利益, the nature of their concerns and to determine the most appropriate method of engagement going forward.
Canada, the U.S. 和墨西哥(威尼斯电玩城手游运营的三个国家)在保护土著权利和利益方面有不同的法律, as identified in Article 32.3 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). Where TC Energy’s business activities have the potential to affect Indigenous groups, 威尼斯电玩城手游倾听他们的问题和关切,并与他们合作,将他们的传统知识纳入项目设计和规划中, mitigate negative impacts and maximize benefits through hiring and buying locally.
We aim to build mutually beneficial partnerships where benefits outweigh the impacts, and our legacy is positive for those most impacted by our activities. In Canada, 威尼斯电玩城手游正在寻求扩大项目和资产股权参与的利益,因为协调利益的最佳方式是作为合作伙伴/所有者坐在谈判桌前. Through all these efforts, we strive to be considered a partner of choice for Indigenous groups and play a meaningful role in reconciliation. By taking this approach, we adhere to and often exceed the regulatory requirements of the respective jurisdictions.
How do you avoid impacts on traditional and sovereign lands, including water, air and land pollution, and provide consideration of routing studies?
TC Energy recognizes the unique connection Indigenous peoples have to the land and resources, and our goal is to anticipate, prevent, 缓解和管理可能影响土著群体的条件,并在项目的整个生命周期内,在所有业务线和管辖范围内,增加受影响最严重的土著群体的利益. Our project engagement is informed by our Indigenous Relations policy, strategy, and guiding principles, as well as legal and regulatory landscapes, which continue to evolve.
威尼斯电玩城手游公司的路线标准旨在最大限度地减少拟议路线的环境和社会经济影响, including the potential impacts on Indigenous traditional use sites, areas, and activities. Feedback and traditional knowledge received through Indigenous engagement are considered in project planning, including route refinement, 减轻项目对原住民行使权利的影响,并平衡路线选择标准的所有相关因素, as appropriate. Regardless of what region we operate in, we aim to reach consent on our projects with Indigenous groups through early engagement, honest communication, and mutually beneficial relationships.
Does TC Energy track the percentage of employees and contractors that are Indigenous?
TC Energy makes every effort to track the overall percentage of Indigenous employment; however, this information is based on self-identification. It is not a practice of TC Energy to require self-identification by any employee or contractor.
How do you deliver training on Indigenous cultural awareness?
We offer a multi-tiered approach to our Indigenous Awareness Training modules. Since 2001, we have offered Indigenous Awareness training, which outlines our company's Indigenous Relations Policy, strategy and guiding principles to all interested employees and contractors. In addition to in-class training, we regularly facilitate opportunities for employees to learn firsthand about history, protocols and culture through in-person experiences.
A total of 2,220 employees and contractors have taken this training since 2001. In 2022, we offered 7 sessions, and 172 individuals took this training. In 2021, we also developed, with input from TC Energy's Indigenous employees, an online mandatory training module covering Indigenous peoples' history and cultures. This was rolled out to all Canadian employees and certain contractors. By April 15, 2023, 92 percent of the Canadian workforce had completed the training. Additionally, an interactive session was provided to members of our Board of Directors.
How does TC Energy measure the success of its engagement with Indigenous group?
We measure the effectiveness of our engagement approach by tracking, responding to, and striving to resolve all issues and concerns raised by Indigenous groups with whom we engage. 威尼斯电玩城手游已经开发了一种方法来解决监管程序之外的问题和关注,这些问题和关注是受威尼斯电玩城手游运营影响最大的群体, aiming at obtaining their support. 威尼斯电玩城手游还建立了机制,检查并从土著群体那里获得威尼斯电玩城游戏下载关系状况和改进方法的反馈.
威尼斯电玩城手游实施土著参与计划,以发展和加强与土著群体的关系,并在整个资产生命周期中促进富有成效的对话. Creating positive, long-term relationships is always the goal of TC Energy’s engagement with Indigenous groups.
除了跟踪“与土著群体接触”的数量外,威尼斯电玩城手游还跟踪与已达成协议的潜在受影响群体的百分比? Is the company willing to report this information?
While TC Energy does not use agreements as a measure of success in Indigenous engagement, we do enter into agreements with Indigenous groups potentially affected by our activities, such as capacity funding agreements, Traditional Knowledge funding agreements, community and participation agreements.
In 2021, we entered into a total of 94 agreements with 46 Indigenous groups we engage with across Canada. Meanwhile, in 2022, we executed 45 agreements with 39 Indigenous groups across Canada.
Need more information or have a question?
Email us at, call us at 1-855-895-8754 or visit our Contact us page for more information.